• Magnesium

    It reduces physical and cerebral fatigue and helps limit and reduce cramps. It also participates in the formation of teeth and bones, as well as maintaining their strength. Finally, it is beneficial against stress and anxiety. It is found, for example, in chocolate.

  • Potassium

    It allows normal muscle and nerve function. It supports muscles to prevent cramps. It maintains the acid-base balance in the body inside the cells and helps maintain hydration of body cells. It is found for example in bananas.

  • Chloride

    It aids in digestion and helps the body retain fluids efficiently. It stimulates brain function and contributes to general mental balance. It is found, for example, in olives.

  • Zinc

    It allows the immune system to function properly and fights against premature aging of cells thanks to its strong antioxidant action. It is found, for example, in oysters.

  • Manganese

    It protects cells against oxidative stress thanks to its antioxidant effect. It is also effective against fatigue and participates in bone formation (synthesis and renewal). It is found, for example, in hazelnuts.

  • Sodium chloride

    Sodium is an essential ingredient, when combined with sugar in the right ratio. It speeds up the absorption of water into the bloodstream, replacing what your body loses through sweat. Additionally, salt retains water in muscle tissue while counteracting dehydration.

  • Dextrose

    Dextrose is a form of glucose, a naturally occurring sugar compound found in our bodies. It is the most absorbable of all sugar compounds and enhances the absorption of our products into the bloodstream.

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How does Hydratis work?

1- Passage of water through the intestinal barrier

Hydratis lozenges exploit advanced physiological mechanisms to optimize the absorption of electrolytes and water in the small intestine. The transepithelial absorption process is mainly based on the synergistic action of sodium-glucose cotransporters (SGLT-1) and specific ion channels.

  • Coupled transport via SGLT-1 : The cotransporter SGLT-1 is essential for the active reabsorption of sodium and glucose at the brush border surface of enterocytes (intestinal cells). Sodium, following its electrochemical gradient, carries glucose inside the cell by a symport process, creating an osmotic gradient that promotes paracellular reabsorption of water. This mechanism is particularly effective in conditions of moderate dehydration, where the demand for sodium and water is increased.
  • Effects of glucose and salts : The presence of glucose facilitates the simultaneous absorption of sodium via SGLT-1, increasing intercellular osmotic pressure and thus accelerating water absorption. Glucose is metabolized within enterocytes, while sodium is expelled by Na+/K+-ATPase, maintaining the gradient necessary for continued absorption.

2- After intestinal absorption

Electrolytes and water are rapidly distributed via the circulatory system. Cellular mechanisms regulating the entry of electrolytes into cells are crucial for maintaining water and electrolyte homeostasis.

  • Facilitated osmosis and electrolytic gradient : the sodium electrochemical gradient, established by the activity of Na+/K+-ATPase, promotes the entry of water into cells by osmosis. This pump, located in the basement membrane of cells, expels three sodium ions out of the cell and allows the entry of two potassium ions, which creates an osmotic gradient that attracts water through the aquaporins, facilitating intracellular hydration.
  • Role of Na+/K+-ATPase and aquaporins : Na+/K+-ATPase is essential not only for the maintenance of membrane potential but also for the regulation of cell volume. Aquaporins, specific transmembrane proteins, allow rapid and controlled transport of water along the osmotic gradient, ensuring a rapid response to cellular water needs.

Principle of osmolarity

What is this ?

Osmolarity is a measure of the total concentration of solutes dissolved in a fluid, such as blood or the water inside our cells. These solutes include electrolytes such as sodium , potassium , and chloride . Osmolarity is expressed in osmoles per liter (Osm/L) and is crucial in determining how water moves between different parts of the body.

Hypotonic drinks

Hypotonic drinks , such as those prepared with Hydratis lozenges , have a lower osmolarity than blood. This means that they contain a lower concentration of electrolytes and solutes . By consuming a hypotonic drink like Hydratis, water is more quickly absorbed by the intestine and is readily available to cells, allowing for rapid hydration without overloading the body with electrolytes.

How does it work?

When a hypotonic drink enters the intestine, its low osmolarity level facilitates the rapid passage of water into the blood, thus optimizing hydration without causing electrolyte imbalance.

Our product effectiveness studies

Swedish fit

To follow a scientific approach and see the impact of our tablets on people's hydration , we carry out various usage tests.

In a study of 19 participants , each participating in a weekly 45-minute sports session for three consecutive weeks . The participants were divided into three groups that changed every week: a group drinking 650 ml of spring water with Hydratis, a group drinking the same amount of spring water alone, and a control group drinking nothing.

Each participant was subjected to each condition (water + hydratis, water alone, nothing) in order to reduce inter-individual variability. Data were collected using a bioimpedance meter which is a precise device measuring body hydration, among others, of the subjects.


Hydratis improves total water volume (+74 mL) versus a loss of 313 mL with 600 mL of water.

By using Hydratis, athletes increased their total water volume by 0.21%, while water alone causes a loss of 0.88%. That's a difference of more than 1%! (see graph below).

The Hydratis scientific team is currently working on other study projects with partners from different backgrounds!

  • Sarah Orion

    Sarah Orion, Scientific Manager at Hydratis, holds a Master's degree in Nutrition and Food Science, with a specialization in Nutraceutical Engineering. With several years of experience acquired in nutrition research laboratories and food supplement companies, she recently enriched the scientific literature by publishing an article on the medicinal properties of Hibiscus sabdariffa. An expert passionate about phytotherapy and health ingredients, Sarah Orion was immediately convinced by the Hydratis project.
  • Pierre Fouquemberg-Darras

    Pierre Fouquemberg-Darras is a scientific project manager and holds a Master of Science in human and sports nutrition. A former top athlete specializing in endurance sports, he has significant experience in sports nutrition and nutraceuticals. As a sports coach passionate about outdoor activities, he is particularly dedicated to studying the impact of diet and hydration on sports performance.
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