
How to Hydrate Properly: The Importance of Electrolytes

Comment bien s’hydrater : l’importance des électrolytes

We often hear about the importance of electrolytes for the body . But how can we consume them simply? In this article we will see how to make your own electrolyte drink , in order to ensure your electrolyte intake for the day.

What is an electrolyte?

Electrolytes or minerals are the ions (atoms with more or less electrons and which are therefore electrically charged) circulating in the blood. The main electrolytes are sodium (Na+) present in table salt in particular, potassium (K+) present in bananas and dried fruits, calcium (Ca2+) present in dairy products and legumes and magnesium (Mg2+) , present in seeds and nuts.

Why are electrolytes essential for your health?

The benefits of electrolytes on the body

First, they ensure the maintenance of water balance: electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, regulate water balance by controlling the movement of water between cells and fluids. Through osmosis and the action of the kidneys, they maintain optimal hydration , essential for proper cellular functioning, blood circulation and temperature regulation.

In addition, they will also participate in muscle and nerve function. Indeed, nerves transmit electrical impulses through a mechanism called action potential , which depends on electrolytes. These impulses will subsequently control muscle contraction and therefore have an impact on the muscular system. Electrolytes will thus promote these transmissions and therefore their effectiveness.

And they will ensure the regulation of blood pressure, as each of the ions has an impact on the regulation of blood pressure. Sodium will have the effect of increasing blood pressure, unlike potassium and magnesium which reduce it. Calcium, on the other hand, stabilizes it. It is therefore important to have a balance between these ions , in order to guarantee optimal blood pressure and prevent hypertension.

Electrolyte balance is fundamental for your body, it regulates vital functions such as hydration , muscular, nervous or cardiac activity.

The risks of electrolyte deficiency

An electrolyte deficiency can pose risks to your health . There are two main types of deficiency, sodium and potassium. Each of these deficiencies has different symptoms and risks.

For sodium, general weakness may be felt as well as concentration problems, headaches , nausea or cramps .

Potassium deficiency is more related to the heart and can therefore cause muscle weakness , heart palpitations or even numbness .

Since dehydration is directly linked to a deficiency in electrolytes, the consequences are similar. Proper hydration is therefore essential in order to avoid all of the above.

How to replenish electrolytes naturally?

What foods are rich in electrolytes?

To help you consume your electrolytes more easily, we will give you a list of different foods that contain electrolytes.

For potassium you can eat: bananas , avocados , spinach , sweet potatoes or tomatoes .

On the sodium side, we turn to sea salt , seaweed and canned vegetables.

Additionally, dairy products provide calcium, but so do green leafy vegetables and almonds.

Finally, sources of magnesium are almonds, green vegetables and dark chocolate.

How to replenish electrolytes?

To maximize your electrolyte intake , it is advisable to eat a variety of foods that are rich in essential minerals and vitamins. The list we have compiled above can help you get an idea of ​​what is best to eat.

To help you, you can also include fruit or vegetable-based drinks, such as smoothies or juices for example, which will provide more electrolyte intake.

Electrolyte drinks: practical and effective solutions

What drink is rich in electrolytes?

There are several drinks that are naturally rich in electrolytes . We are talking here about coconut water , which is a source of potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium, but also drinks made from vegetable juice (beetroot, celery, cucumber), which are full of minerals and vitamins.

The different electrolyte drinks:

When we talk about electrolyte drinks, there are actually 4 types:

  • Isotonic drinks , which are there to maintain optimal hydration during exercise and which contain minerals and sugars.
  • Hypotonic drinks , which are used for recovery because they are low in electrolytes and carbohydrates.
  • Hypertonic drinks, on the other hand, contain a lot of electrolytes and carbohydrates and are used during intense physical activity to have a quick energy supply.
  • Pure electrolytes are not only for sports, but also for everyday life and help to replenish essential minerals.

How to make a homemade electrolyte drink?

Ingredients for a Homemade Electrolyte Drink

You can make your own electrolyte drinks at home . To do this, simply mix water with sea salt, natural sugars and possibly flavorings, such as lemon or other juices. This will provide you with the hydration, minerals and energy needed for your activity.

Natural sugars:

For your homemade drink, different natural sugars are at your disposal, for example honey or maple syrup if you have some. Otherwise, adding fruit juice will do the trick very well.

Our solutions to meet your electrolyte needs!

To support optimal hydration, hydration solutions such as Hydratis tablets are particularly effective. Hydratis effervescent tablets therefore contain the right dosage of glucose (sugar) and sodium (salt) to optimize hydration but they also enrich water with electrolytes . In addition, effervescent tablets are available in several flavors such as peach, wild berries, lemon, pineapple, watermelon, coconut, etc. so that hydration is never a chore!

Preparing your electrolyte drink is therefore relatively simple and very useful for providing the minerals necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Hydratis is there to provide an ideal balance between hydration and electrolytes , simply by adding our tablets to the water.


Lobo, D.N. (2004). Fluid, electrolytes and nutrition: physiological and clinical aspects. In Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (Vol. 63, Issue 3, pp. 453-466). Cambridge University Press (CUP).

Par Mélie-Rose Plantain
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