Une hydratation optimale : Pourquoi est-ce important de bien s’hydrater ?

Optimal hydration: Why is it important to stay well hydrated?

Water is one of the most vital elements for humans. In general, we do not survive more than 3 days without drinking, unlike with food where the time can be much longer. The human body is made up of approximately 65% ​​water, this varies depending on gender and age. Good hydration is therefore essential.

This is why the WHO , the World Health Organization, recommends a daily consumption of 2 liters of drinking water for an adult, in order to meet their needs, which corresponds to 8-10 glasses of water approx.

Dehydration can have many effects. The most important are a drop in physical and mental performance, poor digestion, loss of appetite, headaches, severe fatigue, weakness, dizziness, drop in blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, convulsions and even death in cases of extreme dehydration (fortunately a rare case). Older people are particularly at risk for dehydration because their bodies have less fluid to lose. As their percentage of water in relation to their weight is lower, they may have difficulty taking in enough fluids, this may also be due to forgetting things even though the body is dehydrated . During heatwaves, elderly people are particularly affected by this phenomenon. Dehydration can also worsen certain medical conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease.

A supply of drinking mineral water makes it possible to meet this vital need, in particular thanks to the presence of these famous minerals.

What is a mineral?

Mineral salts are chemical compounds that are present in all living organisms and play an essential role in the health and normal functioning of human bodies. Mineral salts are essential for the growth, development and health of living organisms. They are also necessary for energy production, transmission of nerve signals and regulation of body fluids. Minerals are essential nutrients that are absorbed by the body from food, water or nutritional supplements. The main mineral salts are calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron, zinc. Each of these minerals plays a different and important role in the body.

Mineral salts in drinking water are also very important. Natural mineral waters are rich in mineral salts and can be very beneficial to your health. In France, water quality is controlled. This control ensures a good balance between too much and too little minerals in the water. Indeed, like anything, an excess of mineral salts can be harmful.

The most important mineral salts

Calcium: the role of calcium contained in water is essential for health. Calcium is an essential mineral that contributes to the proper functioning of organs and bone health. It is also necessary for muscle contraction and the transmission of nerve signals. Calcium plays a key role in metabolism and the proper functioning of hormones and enzymes. A diet rich in calcium and adequate water consumption can help maintain bone and muscle health, prevent the development of heart disease, and regulate blood pressure. Additionally, calcium in water can help prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Magnesium: the role of magnesium is essential in maintaining a good water balance and the proper functioning of cells. Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in many metabolic processes, including energy production, protein production, maintenance of blood pressure, bone and tooth formation, and carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. It is also necessary for the activity of enzymes, kinases, nutrient transport and chemical reactions that occur in the body. Adequate magnesium intake is essential for maintaining overall health.

Sodium and potassium: the role of sodium and potassium is essential in maintaining vital processes. Sodium and potassium are electrolytes that participate in water regulation , transmission of nerve signals, muscle contraction and energy production. By controlling electrolyte balance and blood pH, they also help maintain good vital functions and prevent serious medical conditions such as heart attacks or fluid retention.

Enrich your water with Hydratis solution

Hydratis is a French company specializing in body hydration . By consuming these drinks, one can prevent dehydration or treat mild dehydration. The process is very simple: simply add the effervescent tablets to a large glass of water and then drink it.

Hydratis tablets enrich your water with mineral salts and trace elements. The Hydratis solution allows water to be absorbed more quickly and efficiently by the body while contributing to muscle recovery, reducing fatigue and fighting cell stress (symptomatic of periods of dehydration).

We can say that the mineral salts present in water are of paramount importance for our health. They provide essential nutrients and contribute to overall health and well-being . The mineral salts present in water are essential to our survival and well-being, as they play an essential role in digestion, metabolism and other bodily processes. We must ensure that our drinking water contains adequate levels of these mineral salts to fully benefit from all their benefits.

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