| 5 min

What holiday meal idea guarantees you'll savor every moment?

Quelle idée de repas vacances vous garantit de savourer chaque instant ?

During the holidays, staying well hydrated is essential, especially for outdoor activities in hot weather, under the sun! Hydration and nutrition are essential to ensure you have a better summer. Optimized hydration can actually improve your well-being but also allow you to enjoy every moment of your vacation! To not miss any tips, we offer you a detailed guide that will help you choose your meals and foods that can maintain your hydration ! You will find ideas for recipes that are easy and quick to make (even for beginners)!

The importance of hydration

Hydration needs change with high temperatures, but hydration still plays an important role in maintaining several bodily functions. Indeed, water is essential for regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients, eliminating waste, and ensuring that cells function properly . Dehydration can lead to symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and more serious, heat stroke. It is therefore important to ensure that we provide our bodies with enough water, especially during periods of high heat or intense physical activity . In addition to hydration, nutrition is essential for maintaining good health. In addition to drinking water, incorporating foods rich in water into your daily diet can improve your hydration status. Fruits and vegetables, especially in salads, are great for staying hydrated! Studies have shown that eating fruits and vegetables rich in water can contribute up to 20% of your daily fluid intake. So, by eating well-balanced meals and drinking enough water, you can ensure optimal hydration to fully enjoy your vacation.

During the holidays, it is common to forget to drink due to daily activities but also during other activities that break the routine. However, maintaining good hydration is important to avoid the onset of dehydration symptoms. In addition to drinking water, optimal hydration can be achieved through an adapted diet. Yes, certain foods, due to their high water and nutrient content, can also help maintain good hydration !

Our recipes for successful hydration

It’s easy to neglect hydration due to distractions and daily activities. However, maintaining proper hydration is crucial to avoid discomfort and health problems. That’s why we’ve prepared a selection of recipe ideas to help you stay well hydrated throughout the day this summer!

Foods rich in water

Here are some examples of interesting foods with a high water composition:

Fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe and strawberries that contain more than 80% water. In addition to their water content, they are rich in vitamins and minerals, which help replenish electrolytes lost through things like sweating.

Vegetables such as cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, eggplant and zucchini are also mostly composed of water. They can be eaten raw or cooked for some!

Some ideas for quick and easy recipes to prepare!

Mixed salads

Salads are one of the key recipes of summer in France! It is a great way to incorporate vegetables and fruits rich in water, to give you enough water intake in your diet.

Here is a simple and refreshing recipe for a mixed salad:


1 cucumber cut into slices

1 watermelon cut into small pieces

1 handful of rocket

1 avocado, sliced

Lemon juice

Salt and pepper to taste


Mix everything in a large salad bowl. Then sprinkle with lemon juice, season with salt and pepper. And enjoy the fresh salad!

(If you are short on time, you can also make other much simpler recipes: a tomato salad, etc.!)


Smoothies can also be useful to hydrate you! Indeed, the ingredients used are rich in water and refreshing! And it is quick to prepare!

A watermelon and mint smoothie

Ingredients :

2 cups cubed watermelon

1 cucumber cut into slices

3 or 4 fresh mint leaves

Juice of 1 lime

Some ice cubes

Instructions :

In a blender, mix all the ingredients and blend until smooth. Then add ice cubes to get an even more refreshing drink. And now, all you have to do is serve :)

Cold soups

Cold soups, like gazpacho, are great for maximum hydration in hot weather. They're easy to make and delicious!

We offer you a classic gazpacho recipe:

Ingredients :

4 tomatoes, cut into pieces

1 cucumber cut into slices

1 red pepper, chopped

1 small onion, chopped

2 cloves of garlic

3 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste

Instructions :

Blend everything in a blender until smooth. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. You can serve the soup chilled garnished with diced peppers. And then enjoy!

We now offer you a recipe idea more for breakfast: a refreshing bowl of fresh fruit (Don't hesitate to vary the pleasures by changing the recipe regularly):

Ingredients :

1 cup oatmeal

1.5 cups almond milk

1 sliced ​​banana

1 handful of fresh berries (blueberries, raspberries, etc.)

1 tablespoon of peanut butter

Some almonds

Instructions :

Mix the almond milk and oatmeal. Then arrange the banana slices and berries on top and add the almonds and peanut butter last. Enjoy!

Our hydration tips on vacation

Vacation often means physical activities and prolonged exposure to the sun, thus increasing the need for hydration. Here are some tips for maintaining good hydration during your activities:

Always carry a water bottle : Make sure you have water on hand, especially on long walks, hikes or days at the beach.

Choose hypotonic drinks : For intense activities, hypotonic drinks can help replace electrolytes lost through sweat and help optimize water intake.

Avoid dehydrating drinks : Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages and energy drinks as they can contribute to dehydration.

Eat hydrating snacks : Carry fresh fruits and vegetables like lemon slices, peaches or melon chunks for hydrating snacks.

Hydration with Hydratis

In addition to the delicious recipes above, you can also use our ultra-hydrating Hydratis lozenges! They are composed of electrolytes and trace elements that promote the absorption of water by your body. Sodium and dextrose help water pass through the intestinal barrier! Potassium and sodium allow water to enter your cells. As for zinc and magnesium , they have an antioxidant effect! One lozenge in a large 250 mL glass of water to optimize your water intake, and that at least twice a day!

During the holidays, hydration and meals are essential to ensure a pleasant experience. By understanding the importance of hydration and choosing foods rich in water , you will be able to keep your body well hydrated. From composed salads to refreshing smoothies or cold soups, there are many delicious ways to integrate optimal hydration into your holiday meals. Also, don't forget to always have water on hand and consume hydrating foods regularly to savor every moment of your holiday with complete peace of mind :)

These simple but effective recipe ideas will allow you to spend your holidays peacefully, away from the stove! By integrating fresh and hydrating elements into your meals, you can guarantee a pleasant and healthy culinary experience.

Enjoy your holidays with these delicious recipes! So bon appétit and happy holidays ☀️

Par Mélie-Rose Plantain
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