Déshydratation chez l’enfant : quels sont nos conseils ?

Dehydration in children: what are our tips?

Dehydration in children: Hydratis recommendations

Dehydration remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children of all ages. For their well-being and survival, young children need to receive good care from responsible adults in favorable conditions. In some parts of the world, this represents a constant challenge.

Dehydration results from either insufficient fluid intake, fluid loss, or a combination of both. The body then lacks water and electrolytes. Infants, for example, have higher basic fluid requirements, partly because of an increased metabolism. In addition, they cannot express or satisfy their thirst themselves.

What causes dehydration in a child?

The causes of dehydration in a child are diverse and can occur throughout the year, summer and winter.

  • Diarrhea

Although they are often viral, short-lived and benign, diarrhea can also cause serious complications, particularly in infants, such as dehydration.

Acute diarrhea, that is, continuous, liquid stools, will cause significant weight loss in the child. The water and mineral salts lost must be replaced urgently to avoid dehydration and possible hospitalization of the child.

  • Vomiting

They are also dangerous for a child's health. In the event of repeated vomiting, fluid loss can be significant and lead to dehydration, which will absolutely require an intake of mineral salts, vitamins and nutrients.

  • Childhood fever

In a baby or young child, fever is often a source of concern. An infection has probably set in and the fever is fighting it. If your child has a temperature of over 39°C and it lasts for more than two days, he or she may eat and drink less and sweat a lot. The risk of dehydration can then become worrying.

  • Infant gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis combines the symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, and fever , and it must be taken very seriously, especially in a very young child, whose body is composed of two-thirds water. The loss of body water is more accentuated and dehydration is a real danger for the child.

  • The heat

During the summer heat, prolonged exposure to the sun, spending too much time in a poorly ventilated room and low water consumption can lead to dehydration in children: they sweat and lose fluids. Here too, they must be rehydrated without delay.

What are the signs and symptoms of dehydration in children?

  • your child's general appearance: is he thirsty? is he agitated? or more lethargic, or even sleepy? These are signs that should be worrying

  • the appearance of his eyes: are they as usual or on the contrary slightly sunken, or even very sunken? (as if they were going into the sockets)

  • The appearance of the oral mucous membranes, i.e. the tongue, lips, inner cheeks: are they moist, sticky, or even dry?

  • The appearance of his tear secretions (the tears, the film that protects his eyes): is there a rather dry appearance?

Of course, weight counts a lot, if you can have it assessed. It is then important to compare it to a recent measurement, to assess weight loss. The first signs of dehydration (mild) can appear for a loss of 3% of your weight. Serious dehydration will be a weight loss greater than 5% of your weight. And if it is more than 10%, there is great danger for your vital organs (kidney, brain, cardiovascular system). Weight loss can happen very quickly in a few hours, be vigilant.

Does your child have these symptoms? Hydratis is here!

If these signs appear in your child, it is important to take certain actions as soon as possible. First, give him a Hydratis lozenge to drink.

Composed of mineral salts and trace elements, our lozenges optimize and accelerate the hydration of the body and support your child's metabolism, they will bring back the lost mineral salts and will also rebalance the pH of his body. The fruity tastes of these make it easier for children to consume. (As a reminder, Hydratis is recommended for children from 3 years old and up)

Conclusion: How to prevent dehydration?

The best way to prevent dehydration is to eliminate its causes. Here are some tips to help you do just that.

  • Make sure your little one drinks enough (water or milk, depending on their age and needs) and that they eat well. Don't hesitate to give them a hydratis which will act as an ORS.

  • Focus on infection prevention, including frequent hand washing.

  • Avoid exposing your child to excessive heat or sunlight. Babies under 6 months should never be exposed to it.

  • If your child is vomiting or has diarrhea, seek prompt medical attention. If you have reason to believe your child is at risk of dehydration, do not delay in starting rehydration measures .

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